Common Stinkhorn

Phallus impudicus

Subject A

Date: September 30, 2020
Location: Monkton, VT

September 30, 2020

Observation: Last Observation:
First & Last

This was my first encounter with a mushroom in the Stinkhorn classification, though I had I had read some about them. Very quickly, it became apparent why they are aptly named "stink" horns.

This mushroom had a very distinct and potent smell. One that will remain on your hands if you handle the mushroom, which was a mistake that I made out of interest in the spongy stem.

Subject B

Date: October 4, 2020
Location: Monkton, VT

October 4, 2020

Observation: Last Observation:
First & Last

After having become familiar with with the "stink" of the stinkhorn, I could smell there was one near the trail during the hike — I was surprised to find four all within a meter of one another.

For me, this was a twist to Baader-Meinhof phenomenon when it comes to mushrooms. My growing awareness of mushrooms leads me to seeing them everywhere, but my sense of smell has now joined in the search and my fungal consciousness.